Thursday, August 30, 2012

Ten things I must do before I die

Well, the title couldn't be more obvious as to what the post contains. Bc it's trending on Twitter and I have never enjoyed expressing the things I want in just 140 characters or less, I decided to blog about it instead. After all, this is my repertoire of my secret desires. But I haven't really thought about the top 10 things I want to do before I die. Frankly, there are a lot of things that come to mind when someone says "Favorite activities" or "things you have never done but have always wanted to do." I may be a hardcore realist (and everyone knows this) but I hope for a lot of things. I aspire so much more than I'm willing to admit. And honestly, I've been thinking of posting my own bucket list right here. But I want to post it someday significant - someday which the list would actually mean something, someday when it won't be just a random list of thoughts that I also managed to type and turn into literature (if you consider blogging as literature). Knowing me, I do things that satisfy myself and my heart. If I want it, I get it; if I don't, no one can force me to like it. Sure, everyone shares the same principle I have. But only few can really attest to that statement. Because most of us, we're afraid - afraid of what can be and what might not be - or narrow-minded - to not be able to critically analyze that following the norm is just a norm. There are so many things that hinder us from chasing our own happiness and most of the time, we do not overcome these obstructions - we nurture them. Nobody's too selfish. Selfish is for people who think they deserve more but get less and do nothing about it. I'm sorry, but if you want something, there can be no one who has the actual right to tell you that the road to it is not worth it. If you want something so much, I can guarantee that you'll be able to leave everything and everyone for it. I agree that it would hurt to be on the receiving end, but there will come a time when you'll realize that making yourself genuinely happy is more important than not chasing what you want and staying where you are because people want you in their lives. They have their own secret desires; it's either they're too scared to follow them or they're content with leaving them as desires. But I definitely believe in doing what makes you happy and going after things and people that you want. Because living's not LIVING when you're just settling.

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