Friday, June 5, 2009

dazed and disoriented

I was checking my Friendster account and decided to check some other profiles as well . I was scanning and I came by one that had the same bloody flower as in the cover of the sequel book to Twilight by Stephenie Meyer, New Moon. And beside the unique flower was a quote. I can't remember much of it because lethargic quotes were not enticing to me tonight. But I remembered it started with the words "dazed and disoriented". Which is exactly what I felt right now. I don't know why but for some hidden reason inside me, I felt that I was in pieces. The world swirling, my stomach churning, and my mind? Far away in an island unknown. It was there, searching for something, longing for the warmth that had comforted me before ...
A snap awoke me from my daydreaming and suddenly I awoke from the feeling. Contentment was now lost. That was what I was searching for inside me. The thing that had been lost and now had no way of coming back. But I know a way. I just don't know if I can accomplish it on time, on time for me not to come back to the way I had been before.
And as a distraction, I blogged about it. Hopefully, someone would understand why I wrote this. Hopefully.

Comments? Suggestions? Leave it here! Thanks:) - author


Devoured by Darkness said...

nice blog, i can see that you're somehow confused.
contentment? humans can never be contented, comparison between things are always present, so being contented is impossible when you'll always find a better one.
..keep that in mind..

Devoured by Darkness said...

comment back if you have some questions, i may be able to help.:)

Zee Codizar said...

thanks for the compliment . i bet yours is, too :)
yeah . i kinda figured that out already. but if we could, that would be a great thing, wouldn't it?
sure .:)